InvivoGen’s Newsletters

TLR3: racing for vaccine advantages
In this latest newsletter, InvivoGen reviews the challenges of exploring novel vaccine adjuvants and highlights a new era of TLR3-based ligands jockeying for advantages. We also introduce a number of new products, including the first HEK-derived dual reporter cell lines for TLR3 studies, a novel TLR3 agonist and promising vaccine adjuvant NexaVant™, the recombinant type I interferon inhibitor B18R, as well as an extensive plasmid collection that allow you to create your own dual reporter cells.
TLR3: racing for vaccine advantages
TLR3 dual reporter cell line NEW
➜ HEK-Dual™ hTLR3 cells
➜ HEK-Dual™ (control) cells
TLR3 agonist and vaccine adjuvant NEW
➜ NexaVant®
➜ NexaVant® VacciGrade™
Type I interferon inhibitor NEW
➜ Recombinant B18R
Dual inducible reporter plasmids NEW
Create your own dual reporter cell lines
➜ pNiFty2 - NF-kB reporter plasmids
➜ pNiFty3 - IRF reporter plasmids